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Amy Ciavolino

Technical leader — Conflict mediator — Artist

about me

Amy Ciavolino is a multidisciplinary professional and emerging queer artist based in NYC. With over a decade of experience in software engineering and leadership, she blends technical expertise with a passion for creative expression and communal values. Amy is also a certified conflict mediator, trained in restorative justice and circle keeping. Her diverse skills enable her to approach challenges with creativity, precision, and empathy.

for fun

  1. a small part of a painting, showing a one way street sign and crosswalk signal Painting

    Buy prints and originals of my paintings.

  2. amy's face in bright colors moving back and forth Animated gifs

    My gifs on Giphy, with 4.2B views and counting!

  3. A brain, aka mind.. for mindful. Get it? Mindful Communication In Code Reviews

    A guide to applying mindful communication to reviwing code.

  4. Rebel Steps logo Rebel Steps

    A podcast for anyone who wants to take political action and doesn’t know exactly where to get started.

  5. Animated confetti in bright colors. Cutealism

    Like brutalism, but cute af. An art project to make cute things often with a political message.

Older projects

for money

Betterment (January '23 - ???) Etsy (June '20 - Nov '22) Kickstarter (June '17 - May '20) Khan Academy (Oct '16 - May '17) Union Station (Oct '15 - July '16) Etsy (June '12 - Oct '15)

Get in touch!

Last updated 09 / 2024